27 February 2009

Working it Out

Walking into the supermarket today, I saw that the headline of the Oregonian read:  Oregon joblessness nears ten percent.  A disheartening statistic, and one that made me feel a little guilty.  Because today, everything seemed to fall into place for me.  Two more shifts with my new company (a most excellent company to work for,  by the way), means that I am now working above the poverty line (barely).   I'm quite happy working for these people.  I find that the mental health industry is great for me, and I'm also really pleased to be working for a non-profit.  A different set of standards and ethics is refreshing, and the focus on the residents is a lot greater than with any other (for profit) company I have been with.  I see a future with this program, which makes me work hard and reach for new opportunities.

An added benefit to the added work:  Benefits!  I haven't had health insurance in so long, that I've grown paranoid.  One walks a bit more carefully in the world when one misstep could lead to thousands of dollars in hospital bills.  I think the true test of adulthood is how very excited one gets at the prospect of going to the optometrist.  And I must be an adult now...because I am ridiculously excited.  My glasses are in a sorry state, mostly because of my propensity to fall asleep reading in bed.  One side is bent from being smashed against my head when Haruki Murakami and I slip off to dreamland together for the fourth night in a row. 

So, for now, the world get a little brighter, at least for this humble blogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finished "After the quake: stories‎" a little while back and was totally enchanted by Murakami's writing. What's the next book I should read?