10 February 2009

No Money, Mo' Problems

I thought that when I found a job, all my problems would be solved. I'd have money, pay off loans, start saving, and within a few years, my fiancée and I would be living easy in an apartment of our own. No roomates, walking around naked as the day we were born...well, just because we could.
But here's the thing. I only work two days a week. Which is only enough money to understand how little I have. "Can I go out to see a movie with friends?" I wonder. Probably not, unless I want to eat ramen and fried eggs for the next week.
The other problem with under-employment is the question of how to fill one's days. Being broke, the options are limited. And there is only so much time one can spend hunting for better, more profitable jobs. Especially when one has an English degree an little relevant experience. So, the solution for me in the last few weeks is to wander around the house. Sighing. And adjusting things on coffee tables. Picking up books. Putting them down. Eating small bites of yogurt throughout the day. Staring at the cat. And worrying.

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